Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Untitled Poem about Faith (Or Lack Thereof)

No matter how long ago it was,
               No matter how many      years
                              seconds separate
Me from that last scream,
               No matter how many personal theologies I try and    reject
                              and retry
                              and re-reject
No matter how many churches I duck into and then out of    again
                              and again
                              and then again
Driven away by the smell of the air,
               Driven away by the press of the walls,
Driven away by the wide open spaces,
               Driven away by the hymns     (even as I love them)
Driven ever away from the many homes of a God who abandoned me
                              to darkness
                              and the shadow of death
No matter my resentments, my fear, my insecurities, my anger, my sorrow,
my pain, my pain, my bitter, bloody pain and self-pity and self-loathing         and again my fear
               No matter that                 no matter any of it
               I can never stop looking for,
               crying for,
               praying for        Everlasting Arms to lean on

Though I am certain their embrace        Will crush me.