Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Joyous Hanukkah, don't drink and drive, and all that stuff I never got to this year.
In case you're wondering, I spent Christmas Eve at the tree farm in Slatington and Christmas at my Aunt Jen's in Burlington, NJ this year. Her daughter Bonnie is 4 years old now, and we had some good times ... Bon got a LEGO set for Christmas that was a chemistry lab with a little lady scientist, and she spent the larger part of the afternoon turning me, Momma, and Uncle John's girlfriend Kathleen into dragons. It was very elaborate. There was even a point at which we all had to join hands and walk in a circle around an imaginary fire to make the "experiment" work right.
Also in case you're wondering, I still don't have a full-time job, but I'm still trying. I have 2 to follow up on in the morning, and the temp agency I'm signed with did actually call me a week ago tomorrow to offer me something up at Penn College, but I didn't notice till today because the answering machine has been turned upside down on the floor for a week. (Don't look at me like that. The only reason I have a phone and an answering machine to begin with is because I can't convince everyone to just Facebook me. I seriously hate my phone right now. I'm going through a self-isolation phase, meaning I want nothing to do with people unless I choose to have something to do with people. That damned phone rings, and it's like the people are screaming at me to pay attention to them. The phone can't have a nice ring; it can't play me some birdsong or "Claire de Lune" or something pleasant -- no, it has to scream: I'M A PHONE! I'M A PHONE! ANSWER ME! I'm this close to throwing it out the window and then running downstairs to dance on the broken bits.)
Anyway, I am going to call the agency in the morning to see if the position still needs to be filled. I doubt it, for which I could kick myself, but hey -- this is the first time THEY'VE called ME instead of the other way around, so maybe there's some hope on the horizon. Meanwhile, my part-time job gets progressively more interesting: I'm still doing payroll, and now I've broken into marketing and advertising. I'm now the person who finds potential customers and sends out the mass mailings seeking new contracts, and I have a new Facebook page in the works for the business, too, which shall be unveiled in all its glory once it is complete. We have an ad on the local radio station too, but my boss did that. Maybe I can write the next one :)
Also, in early December, I had a speaking engagement at the college to discuss life with disability with Social Work majors. I didn't get paid a single red cent for that, but I'm still going to offer to go back this term, as I quite enjoyed it. I'm one of those weirdos who loves public speaking. And who knows? If I build myself a reputation as a speaker, I could turn it into a paying gig!
That pretty much brings us up to date on The Mundane Life and Times of Tiffany B., aside from a few oddments: my mother is still ill and had another surgery, and there are plans roiling around in my head of making my way to that neck of the woods to see her, maybe ...
I have decided to start bird watching. Dad bought me a pretty good pair of binoculars, but I haven't seen any birds yet. Mostly the binoculars have been employed in helping me spy on people from the 5th-story balcony.
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